+of+JAYSON'S+GRADUATION+028.jpg) |
Maurice (son) & Jayson (grandson) |
My relationships reflection is very important to me because it's my children and grand child. Its a blessing to see and know that your family is strong, doing well, and on the right about life. My oldest son (Maurice) is a hospital clerk, entrepreneur, and has one healthy child, (Jayson Maurice Kelly).
Marques (son) |
My youngest son (Marques) loves school, sports and wants to be an actor too. There are several people from my childhood that are still in my life, whom I currently do have a positive relationships with and is a partner with me is my children and my husband. I had the opportunity to go back to school and help provided with my husband. My two children, now young adults were great kids. We have a stable home, and I was able to participated with my children's schools. My challenges had been far and few. We never had any teenage issues or major family's problems. As I reflected on my family's relationship, I'm so proud to say my family had grown health and strong. There many forces and issues that invades many homes. I'm blessed with so many opportunity to keep a good, healthy home.
Cousin (Matt) & Niece (Chelsa) |
Jayson's mother Chrissy & her niece (Jayla) |
My experiences go back to many years of healthy growth, developing and maintaining a honest relationships, with positive people that surround my life. The energy that impacts my life would be the energy that would allow me to become a effective early childhood professional.
Family gathering (older cousins) |
Thanks for sharing the photos. I also feel like I am able to be an effective EC professional because of the energy I getting from the positive relationships in my life.