Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Personal Research Journey

Accessing early childhood development is the topic I have chosen.  I chose this topic for many reasons. The 
first reason, how some children develop may have to do with their environment, home, or community. Second reason, children develop skills that may or may not be influenced by the parents, genetic, or friends. The final reason, children developmental growth may also be determine by the way children think or play.
Through my experience, I find some children may take time to learn a skill, and some learn the skill at the beginning. Whatever is the process of children’s development, we all need to know what makes some children understand, and learn a skill faster than others.


  1. Hi!
    I enjoyed reading your blog post. I think you have picked a very worth while topic and I can't wait to read and learn about your experiences. I know that you will find out many things and I am sure that we will be able to use the knowledge in our own early childhood professional roles. Good luck to you as you start your research!

  2. Hey Tamarah,
    Thank you for sharing your reasons on the importance of child development. Many parents often wonder why their child is not doing things that another child does. It is important that parents understand that each child develops differently. I wish you well on your research.
