Sunday, July 21, 2013

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

I chose three different back grounds of people that I knew that all have a higher education, but differences in social class, age, gender,race, and values/beliefs.

First person response colleague - female, black, low income, Associate degree
Response: culture/orgin - in which one comes from/Diversity the uniqueness of each culture.  How we are different from one another.

Second person response colleague - female, Spanish, Religon (Catholic), age:40, lower middle class, Bachelor.
Response: culture is food, belief, music, different races, education, values
                  diversity is the same with levels of  quality

Third person response male - middle class, white, age: 48, Master
Response: culture/diverity is social class, income, and race

The aspect of culture and diversity that I have learned in the course are included in the answered that I received.  Some answered the question with less details and only applying the deep culture, for example;  Religion,  values, work
While omitted the aspect of surface culture, for example; food, costumes, holidays

A third dimension, which comes into play as we mature and establish an adult life and family, is the decisions we make about what specific elements of our cultural socialization we choose to continue, to modify, or to reject (Derman & Edwards, pg.55, 2010).

      Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).


  1. The answers that were gathered are all interesting. As we mature and become adults we are able to make our own decisions. Throughout adulthood our culture can change.

  2. Wonderful way of displaying diversity within your choices of participants. they vary in age, gender, religion, race, and class. I am very surprised that they omitted the surface aspects of what many people view diversity and culture as.

    I am in complete agreement with the last statement about changing our cultural socialization as we grow. As we mature we pick up new habits and drop old ones. Some may be based on our environment while others might be based on our new way of life.
